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What Does Pet Hair Do to a HVAC System?

June 1, 2023

HVAC System, Pet Hair, and Dander...Oh my!

When Spring comes to Virginia Beach and Hampton Roads, it brings with it the temperamental Virginia weather which can wreak havoc with your pet's coat. Hot one day, cold the can result in an onslaught of shedding and a whirlwind of pet hair piling up around the house in the corners, under the furniture-ON the furniture, and floating in the air. This is the time to make sure your air filters are being changed. Not doing so can result in significant damage to your HVAC system. 

How Can I Reduce Pet Hair in the Air in My Home?

Change Your Air Filters! 

It's an on-going battle between pet hair and air filters. You may think your fur baby isn't shedding that much, but look closer. You'll find pet hair gathered in corners and under furniture. It's a good bet if you find it there, you need to be especially diligent changing your air filters. The way your HVAC system works is it draws in air from your home to recondition and blow back into your home as cool or hot air. The only thing standing between your system getting clogged is the air filter. If you have a pet, you should be checking your air filter at least once a month. It's an easy way to provide preventative maintenance that is cheap as well. You can find air filters in your local hardware store--usually in packs of three or five. There are even services that will deliver them to your home which is convenient and a great reminder to change them. 

Vacuum, vacuum, vacuum...

Vacuuming just once a day around the areas of your home that have the most traffic can greatly reduce the stress of animal hair getting into your HVAC system. All the hair floating in the air, gathering on the furniture, carpets, corners and drapery can be reduced by 75% just by vacuuming alone. Not only does it get rid of the hair, but it also gets rid of any pet dander that is floating through the air which brings us to the last reason to change your air filters and vacuum regularly...

Allergies and Pet Dander

Many people think its the pet hair they need to worry about when it comes to allergies, but the main culprit is pet dander. Pet dander is the microscopic skin that sheds from a pet naturally. Vacuuming regularly and changing your air filters regularly can greatly reduce the wear and tear on your A/C system as well as reduce allergic reactions to dander. This is where your HVAC system can be a huge help! Instead of circulating the pet dander through your home, changing your air filter will reduce it significantly thus reducing allergic reactions AND wear and tear on your HVAC system. 

If your HVAC system is not keeping up, laboring hard, not blowing cold/hot, give us a call at A-1 American Services. We can have a technician come out to determine if it's a simple fix or something more serious. We are currently running tune-up specials. Give us a call today!  757-425-2400

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