Blog Post

Let's Talk Pumps and Plumbing for Pools!

March 19, 2025

POOL Season is ALMOST here Virginia Beach & Hampton Roads!

Cleaning the pool for pool season

Pool season is almost here, and everyone in the 757 is on pins and needles waiting and preparing for the time to OPEN THAT POOL!

If you already have a pool, it's all about taking stock in what you have, and doing your preventative maintenance to ensure a great summer season for family and friends. And if you're thinking about installng a pool for summertime fun, A-1 American can walk you throught that, too!

First, let's address pools already installed as well and the houses and plumbing that comes along with them.

Grinder Pumps 101

It's time to open the pool, and before the good times roll again, it's a good idea to check the grinder pump in your pool house.

Inspect the Grinder Pump

  • The first thing you'll need to do is look over your pump, and if it was off over the Winter, connect it and/or reset any breakers or GFCI connections.
  • Look over any pipes and connectors and make sure they are connected properly and fit snugly-no leaks or cracks which can often happen in Winter temps. 
  • This includes your gaskets which most people often overlook, but are so important!
  • Don't forget to check for dead bugs, etc. in the basin, and clean those out.

Clean the Grinder Pump

  • You don't want to just start the pump without a trial run, so do a "soft run" by turning the sink on (if it's connected to the grinder pump) or flushing the toilet. As long as it's connected to the grinder pump to test for efficiency, that is what you will be looking to test to make sure the pump is working efficiently.
  • If the water isn't draining properly, it's time to review prior steps.
  • Do you notice a smell coming from your drains or are they draining slowly? Use an enzyme solution like Bio-Clean or the Green Gobbler to gently clean. Avoid harsher chemicals that can possibly damage your equipment.

Test the Grinder Pump

  • Last, but not least, test your pump to make sure it works properly. If you can manually trigger it, go ahead and do so, but if not you can always just run some water through a sink or flush a toilet, and that will trigger it as well.
  • If you hear any noises, it could indicate that there is a clog. A properly running pump should run smoothly with no sounds.

Why do I need a grinder pump in my pool house?

If you have a pool house, chances are you have a grinder pump. A grinder pump helps your main sewer and/or septic pump handle the waste water coming from your pool house efficiently so as not to clog or put undue stress on your system. This is especially true if your pool house is at a lower elevation than your main house. Lets start with how this affects your plumbing.

House to Pool Elevation

  • What goes up must come down, however the same does not hold true with what goes down coming back up; thus the need for a grinder pump. A grinder pump gives a boost to the sludge traveling uphill and help it make it to where you want; in your sewage and not back in your pool house.

Pool House Waste Water

  • Some pool houses have a sink and a shower and some are full guest cottages complete with kitchens, toilets and showers indoors and out. This includes the pipes, shower heads, faucets, sinks, drains.
  • All of these contribute to your main sewage and a grinder pump helps to ensure your plumbing stays unclogged.  Regardless of what kind you have, A-1 American Services can help you with a second pair of eyes to make sure your summer fun doesn't get interrupted.
  • Often times kiddos (and adults) don't think about how running water outside can overburden your outdoor showers and consequently the drains we use to manage the water, but it has to go somewhere and a grinder pump manages that effectively as well.

Pool Pumps

There are other pumps to consider as well. For instance, some pumps don't work well with some systems.

You don't want to use a grinder pump if you are using a septic tank system. The reason why is grinder pumps grind so finely, the septic tank cannot tell what is solid and what is liquid which how septic systems work. For this reason a sewage pump may be a better choice.

A good rule of thumb is that if you need to pump a lot of sewage for short distances over level ground, choose a sewage pump.

If it is over elevated land and a longer distance, a grinder pump is the way to go.

If you still have questions, the Master Plumbers at A-1 American Services will be happy to help you! Give us a call and one of our Customer Service Associates will be happy to help you!

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