Due to its flexibility, PEX tubing can be rolled into spools, which allows for longer pieces of PEX to be easily packaged and shipped. When it comes to metal piping, each pipe must be cut into more practical lengths to ship, which requires more fittings and attachments to create the desired size and shapes. This allows for PEX tubing to be shipping at longer lengths which in turn cut down on manufacturing costs, shipping costs, and costs for fittings. Another advantage of this flexibility is that PEX tubing can be turned in 90-degree angles, which ends the need for elbow fittings. from continuously leaking or blasting, depending on the scenario from wherever the problem has originated.
PEX tubing is significantly lighter than most other forms, especially metals. This allows handling to be much easier, and cuts down on shipping costs. The obvious outcome of the weight difference is also that it allows PEX tubing to be installed much easier than all other forms of tubing, which cuts down on the cost.
PEX tubing on its own significantly cuts down the need for most attachments. It can be turned at a 90-degree angle, which ends the need for elbow fittings and connectors. A huge advantage to this point is that even when a connector or fitting need to be installed. There is no longer a need for soldering. This eliminates health hazards associated with lead-based soldering and associated acid fluxes. To make it simple, PEX tubing requires no torch or burning of any kind. This makes the job much safer for all plumbers.
Unlike other forms of piping (such as copper) PEX resists most chemical build ups. This makes it extremely resistant to corrosion, due to scale build-ups or exposure to acidic water.
PEX Plumbing tubes are much more resilient to freezing, and it also does not transfer heat the way that other metallic piping does. This allows for the conservation of energy as well as the decreased likeliness of the tubing cracking to do drastic temperature changes.
Unlike copper piping systems which create a “water hammer” noise as water rushes thru it, PEX tubing allows water to flow more freely which almost completely eliminates the sounds.
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