As soon as you suspect your plumbing system is failing, you should locate the main water valve and turn it off. This will cut off all water to your house and stop water from continuously leaking or blasting, depending on the scenario from wherever the problem has originated.
Next, immediately call a professional plumber that offers emergency plumbing repair. A-1 American services all of Hampton Roads, and we have more than 30+ years of experience doing this type of work. We’re the trusted specialists for 24-hour emergency plumbing in the region.
Once you have called a plumber, try to dry out the plumbing disaster area as soon as you can. Even if it requires you to use a wet vac, bail water or drain it through holes in the wall or flooring, you must dry out water before it begins to seep into your home’s wooden structure. Due to a process called wicking, as soon as wood gets wet it begins to absorb and spread that water. This can lead to wood decay, and often creates mold. Don’t just cross your fingers and hope for the best in this situation. You should even cut away dry wall or flooring if necessary to ensure that everything is completely dry. You can also open windows and turn on fans to keep air circulating. This will aid in the drying process. A water meter should be used, if possible, to check carpets for moisture buildup as well. There are also professional services companies you can call to help you.
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